Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) brings buyers and suppliers together to build, refurbish and maintain social housing and public property in Scotland. They have recently received a Gold Standard Verification, awarded by Constructing Excellence and endorsed by the UK Government’s Cabinet Office. So they've commissioned me for a 90 seconds animation to highlight and promote this achievement.
I wanted to create a piece that's minimal in design but feels rich by playing with frames within frames and mixing grids and framerates. I don't get to animate and also storyboard and design many projects these days so when the opportunity arrises it's always great fun and a bit of a challenge to be fair. But in the end it always brings me great joy to be part of something from the very start to the end especially when the client puts so much trust in me.
Andrei Staruiala - design and animation
Derek Howie - script
Amy Drummond - voice over

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