The National Glass Centre (NGS) in Sunderland opens a new Heritage Gallery in summer 2013. The following clip was produced for the AV Drum, a video installation designed to act as a draw into the Heritage Gallery. Film footage encapsulates the glass making process including exploring materials, changing states, heat and energy as well as reflecting the experiences of people involved in the production of glass.
Two days were allocated for this shoot. Our aim was to capture as much as possible in NGC's workshop in one day but some of the shots required extra preparation and had to be filmed in Freakworks' studio.
Two days were allocated for this shoot. Our aim was to capture as much as possible in NGC's workshop in one day but some of the shots required extra preparation and had to be filmed in Freakworks' studio.
Production Company: Freakworks
Commissioner: Studioarc Design Consultants
Client: The National Glass Centre
Massive thank you to Ian Spence and Ray Stanners.
Andrei Staruiala - director and editor
Anna Rathband- producer
Julian Schwanitz - director of photography
Anna Rathband- producer
Julian Schwanitz - director of photography